Elevated ratios or adhering strictly to the schedule prevent you from deeply knowing EVERY student in the class.
Locates problems and opportunities in the classroom, with adapted resources.
Tutorials with personalized reports reducing or anticipating challenges with families.
Dide profiles your student body based on the family’s observations on 35 indicators, allowing you to get to know your class before you start and not miss aspects that would be difficult to detect without the family’s collaboration.
In the event that any of your students require attention from the counselor, we improve the level of information they receive and can start working with families from day one.
Invite parents to fill out a questionnaire to get to know their children better.
You will get a diversity map that will allow you to work with the talents and identify the needs of your class.
Small variations in the early years of your education can make big changes in your future. Join our community, share your experience!
“That’s precisely what we need: speed of detection and effectiveness. We teachers should always know how our students are doing. But sometimes it’s not easy. It takes a huge investment of time to go one on one. Imagine a test that we can do ourselves from the Internet, and that families also do, to together pinpoint a large set of difficulties. Dide does that. And although it doesn’t diagnose, it helps a lot to define what each child needs.”
“We have gained a lot of time when it comes to detecting problems, since it is done online, and also when it comes to attending to diversity. As a counselor, it helps me to focus my study much more and to intervene better.”
As a teacher, why do I need Dide?
Every day you have to get the best out of several groups of students that you don’t know in depth. Without the right tools, how can you do your job well?
Who hires Dide for my students: the school or me?
For schools, there is a specific version that is contracted by the school management, as it is a personalized attention project. But if a teacher or family needs to know more about a specific student, they can register at www.dide.app and contract a single study, at a cost of 45 € + VAT.
As an Early Childhood teacher, why do Dide for my students?
Yes. As this is an early stage of care, Dide will be able to provide accurate screening in the main preventive areas.
As a primary school teacher, what is Dide good for?
Identify strengths and difficulties in the first cycle, leading them to optimal personal and academic performance. Because dragging efforts and underachievement in secondary school entails a high probability of failure.
As a secondary school teacher, do I still need Dide?
No doubt about it. Dide not only contemplates learning parameters, but also emotional and social ones, key aspects in adolescence. High levels of demotivation, depressive moods, anxiety, addictive behaviors, bullying, broken homes, etc.
Can I share Dide results with other teachers?
We advise you to do so. In order to help the student, it is desirable that the adults involved in the student’s education are fully aware of this. Consider that you will first ask parents to complete the Dide questionnaire, and then decide whether you and other fellow teachers will also fill it out, or whether the family’s information will suffice.
How long does it take to complete a Dide questionnaire?
It depends on the number of indicators and questions. The average is 30 minutes.
Will I be compensated for the time invested?
We know you have a lot of work to do, but if we calculate how much is lost by not detecting vital issues at the right time, it does pay off. In addition, the well-being of a student has a direct impact on the well-being of the class and the teacher.
Is Dide easy to use?
It is a very intuitive and simple technological tool. And the best thing is that it generates immediate information and its interpretation.
How can I be trained in classroom management for educational diversity?
You can do it through your school, or directly contracting the course at www.diversidadeducativa.com.
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